Monday, December 1, 2008

Daily Movie Review

A cool thing that I thought that I would do was to try and review one movie per day and keep this up as long as possible. I will say what I liked about the movie, what I did not like, and whether you should see it or not/maybe do a rating system, have not decided yet. The first review will be up tomorrow. All movies are open game so if you have a suggestion, just let me know! The movie for tomorrow will be Inside Man.

Monday, November 17, 2008


Bourne+MI=Quantum of solace...and no, that is not a good thing. Bond in not Bourne. Bond is all about using the fancy gadgets getting out of tough situations and being smooth while doing it. I loved the action sequences in the movie but that is where it ends.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008



Friday, October 24, 2008

Movies sucking lately

Why have there not been many good movies in theaters lately. I LOVED Body of Lies, but since, probably Tropic Thunder, this has been the only movie I have REALLY enjoyed. Why is that? This summer was awesome, but the movie theater has been a barren wasteland the last two months! When Beverly Hills Chihuahua is highest grossing movie is the highest grossing movie TWO weeks in a row, there is something wrong. I hope the rest of the year isn't as disappointing as these last couple of months.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Bourne vs. Bond

Recently just watched Casino Royale and The Bourne Ultimatum. Both guys kick ASS. I think I would have to go with Bourne thought. Seems a little bit smarter, just me though...

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Body of Lies

Body of Lies=Best movie of the year so far! Great new take on the Middle East. Great acting all around. Ridley Scott delivers one of his best movies yet (that's saying a lot)! Go see this movie! You'll (probably) love it!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Summer Wrap Up

Summer is officially over....

Overall, better summer than last summer, and one of the best in recent memory. Superheroes were clearly the highlight of the summer. Also, action movies were a mainstay, which I think is awesome. If you're a geek, this was probably the best summer of your life. To see these comic book properties treated right and the directors sticking to the source material, is a great feeling. The biggest disappointment of the summer, in my opinion, would have to be the new Indiana Jones movie. I was SO excited for one of the great characters in history, to be on screen again. From the trailers, it looked like Lucas was sticking the gritty 80's action style. And plus, LaBeouf was in it, we already know my thoughts on him. What we got was people swinging from trees, ALIENS and CGI action scenes. Very disappointing. I would put the first Mummy movie above Indy 4. And we can't go any farther without talking about The Dark Knight. The best superhero movie ever. I would call it a cinematical masterpiece, anyways, where was I...oh yeah, biggest surprise....The biggest surprise for me would have to be Kung Fu Panda. I was just expecting Shrek but with a Panda Bear. Both Dreamworks movies. However, I think that it turned out to be one of the better movies of the summer. It almost beat Wall-E at the box office, which NOBODY was expecting. Speaking of box are the highest grossing (domestically) movies of summer 2008:

  1. The Dark Knight - $493.7MM
  2. Iron Man - $317.6MM
  3. Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull - $315.3MM
  4. Hancock - $226.5MM
  5. Wall-E - $216.8MM
  6. Kung Fu Panda - $213MM
  7. Sex and the City- $152.4MM
  8. The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian - $141.6MM
  9. The Incredible Hulk - $134.4MM
  10. Wanted - $133.8MM
Here was my list made at the beginning of the summer back in April.

  1. Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
  2. Iron Man
  3. The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian
  4. Wall-E
  5. Hancock
  6. The Dark Knight
  7. Get Smart
  8. Sex and the City
  9. The Happening
  10. Tropic Thunder

I don't think anybody doubted The Dark Knight would he successful, but this Also, this list shows just how good Iron Man was and how bad Indy 4 was. Hancock may come as a shock to some people at number 4, but not to me. I predicted it would be in the top five for one reason, Will Smith. The guy sells movies. Every movie he is in, good or bad, is a hit at the box office. Another suprise, some may call a disappointment for Pixar, is Wall-E. Some thought that this is arguably Pixar's best movie yet (I agree with that, on par with The Incredibles and Finding Nemo) but yet, it only finished fifth at the box office, just edging out, Kung Fu Panda. Cars, some say Pixar's worst movie, I agree with that also, was more successful. Sex and the City is no surprise to me considering how big the fan base is and almost every girl I know, saw it. What was a surprise at number 8, was Narnia. I predicted Narnia to be in the top three, and barely made the top ten. The first Narnia was a huge hit and I thought the fan base would only get bigger but, it didn't. I do not like the Narnia movies but a lot of fans do and that is why I predicted it to be in the top 3, whoops. Moving on. Number nine didn't even appear on my list. The Incredible Hulk was a big surprise at the box office. I enjoyed the movie, but didn't expect a lot of people to go see it because the last Hulk movie was such and big disappointment I didn't think people would want to go back into that world. Guess I was wrong. Wanted was another surprise at the box office. I also enjoyed this movie but didn't think it would be a main stream popular movie. Very stylistic and fun, it went over well with audiences. Overall, I wasn't to far off. Get Smart and The Happening were both very disappointing movies and understadably not in the top ten. Here are my top ten favorite movies of the summer.

10. Speed Racer

Very disappointing at the box office for the Wachowski's (Matrix) but I actually enjoyed this movie. I thought Emile Hirsch gave a great performance. Had low expectations going in based on the trailer, but was surprised at how hearfelt and genuine some of the moments were.

9. The Incredible Hulk

I didn't think that Ang Li's Hulk was that bad so I saw no reason for this remake. However, after watching it, it is a much better version, written by Ed Norton, and a lot more fun than the first Hulk Movie.

8. Pineapple Express

The Apatow group is back and they deliver again. Best stoner comedy I've seen and I must say taht James Franco is AWESOME in this movie. I didn't laugh that much, but I enjoyed watching the movie. Very good.

7. Hellboy II

Thought Hellboy I was ok, not really looking foward to seeing this movie. Very surprised at how much I enjoyed it. What I liked the most were the practical effects which we are seeing less and less of these days because of CGI. Very entertaining movie.

6. Wanted

WAS looking foward to seeing this movie. I had not read the graphic novel before and was ready for a fun ride and the movie delivers on that. It's very stylistic and constant action. Really enjoyed watching it.

5. Tropic Thunder

The funniest movie of the summer. Hands down. Ben stiller and Jack Black are both great, but the star of the show is Robert Downey Jr. I think he should be nominated for an academy award. He is absolutely AWESOME in his role.

4. Kung Fu Panda

Was just expecting a few laughs and mediocre story. A Shrek like movie. What I got was an amazing movie that was genuinely funny and had a good story. Biggest surprise of the summer. Loved this movie.

3. Iron Man

The movie that kicked the summer off was one of the best yet. Robert Downery Jr. is amazing as Tony Stark and up until The Dark Knight, was the best superhero movie, for two months. Favreau stays true to the source material and turns in an amazing movie.

2. Wall-E
Some peole are saying that Wall-E was a bit heavy handed in its messages it was trying to convey. I disagree and believe that this movie is amazing. It is just as good as The Incredibles and Finding Nemo which both should have been nominated for best picture. Wall-E should also be nominated for best picture. It is truely amazing.

1. The Dark Knight

The Dark Knight. This is not the best movie I have ever seen but still believe it to be a cinematical masterpiece. It is great and almost everything about the movie is perfect. In a summer that turned out a lot of great movies, The Dark Knight is clearly the best and will be remembered for years to come, as it should be. Breathtaking.

Well, that's the summer movie wrap-up, hope you enjoyed reading!